New album! Glasgow Concert by Simon Thoumire and Dave Milligan

Simon Thoumire

New album! Glasgow Concert by Simon Thoumire and Dave Milligan

I’ve just released a new album with pianist Dave Milligan. The second one in two years! Recorded in 2020 at Celtic Connections festival, just before lockdown was a thing and we all became distracted. It took til 2024 for the album to arrive. Both Dave and me are massive Moscow Art Trio fans and one of our favourite albums is their Hamburg Concert. We decided to name the album Glasgow Concert in homage to them.

The thing I like about this album is it features live versions of the tracks that were on our first two albums – The Big Day In and Third Fight Home. Typically when we record a new album the tracks haven’t been performed before and they start to change as soon as we play them live! These are these live versions plus 2 tracks which haven’t featured on any other albums!

The album has 9 tracks and last approx 35 minutes. You can read about the tracks here. (download). You can listen to the album on the link above and here.