Sgàth Fhras. New album by Anna-Wendy Stevenson, Muriel Urquhart, Simon Thoumire and Tom Bancroft clàr ‘improvised’ stèidhichte air na h-òrain anns an leabhar ‘Folksongs and Folklore of South Uist’. Tha an luchd-ciùil Anna-Wendy Stevenson, Muriel Urquhart, Simon Thoumire agus Tom Bancroft.
This is a new album of improvised music based on the songs collected in Margaret Fay Shaw’s 1955 book ‘The Folksongs and Folklore of South Uist.’ The improvisation and harmony work is rooted within the language of Scottish traditional music. Available in both Gaelic and English, this groundbreaking release marks the first free improvised album of Scottish Gaelic music.” Sgàth Fhras is a Gaelic phrase meaning small rain showers – the kind of light shower that doesn’t soak you too much! The initial idea behind the album was small vignettes of impro of Gaelic songs just like a short rain shower. If you have any questions please reply to this email.
00:00 Gur tu mo nighean donn bhòidheach
07:23 Màiri NicAonghais, Banrigh Bhornais
12:32 A’ ghaoil, lig dhachaigh gu m’ mhàthair mì
15:45 Till an crodh, faigh an crodh
18:27 Cholla, mo rùin
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