
Simon Thoumire


Foot Stompin’ Free Scottish Music Podcast No 238

Hi folks, Hope you are doing ok in these strange times. As ever the music carries on but it is still very challenging times for our musicians. Thanks for listening it is very much appreciated. If you enjoy this podcast please support our Patreon www.patreon.com/handsupfortrad

Ùrar by Mànran
Track – Ailean

Spiorachas – A High Place by Charlie Grey and Joseph Peach
Track – Cailleach

For Alison by Jim McLean
Sang by Alastair McDonald singing and Gavin Paterson on piano

Flett Fae Flotta by Eric Linklater

The Grove by Bradley Parker

It Is What I Is by Findlay Napier
Track – Piece of My Heart

Still Life by Alasdair White
Track – Dannsa na Nèapaig

Tune for Annabelle by Isla Ratcliff

Whole by Lewis McLaughlin

The Lament of Anne Boleyn by Rose Byers

Rouken Glen by Ally Forsyth

Foot Stompin’ Free Scottish Music Podcast No 237

It’s great to be back with another podcast full of braw Scottish trad music. At the weekend we hosted the Scots Language Awards in Dundee. If you would like to watch it or simply read the results please visit www.scotslanguageawards.com. If you want to support this podcast please visit www.patreon.com/handsupfortrad

Fire-Water-Earth by Hamish Napier and DJ Dolphin Boy
Track – Diesel

URRANTA by Deirdre Graham
Track – Òran Mòr Scoirebreac

Beware of the Feet by John Rae’s Celtic Feet
Track – Findlay MacDonald’s Droothie Walk Up Triana

Northbay by Sarah MacNeil
Track – The Cockle Strand

Escaping the Dawn by Rowan Leslie
Track – The Siren / Mama Brown’s

Now Westlin Winds by Davie Anderson

Message in a bottle by Ingrid Henderson
Track – An Ataireachd Àrd – The Surge of the Sea

Tribe by Brother Raksha
Track – Tribe

Stopped in our Tracks EP by Daimh
Track – Òran eile do’n Phrionnsa

Mouth Music by Music Music & Talitha MacKenzie
Track – Bratach Bana

Upsurge by Scott Wood Band
Track – Spice of Life

Foot Stompin’ Free Scottish Music Podcast No 236

The Foot Stompin’ podcast is back with yet more great new Scottish music (and one Finnish track!).  Thanks for listening it really is appreciated. Please share the podcast with your friends! If you enjoy these podcasts please support our Patreon www.patreon.com/handsupfortrad

Crow Flies by Mànran

Grounded by Cara
Track – The Cockle Gatherer

Wookies by Dosca

Sense of the Place by Stonehaven Folk Club
Track – Catherine by Kris Drever

Nine Worlds by Alda
Track – Fen-Fire Polska

Summer by Lewis McLaughlin

Ghruamach by Charlie Grey and Joseph Peach

Together Again by Skerryvore

Piobaireachd / Pipe Music by Fraser Fifield
Track – Breizh/A Flame of Wrath

The Cauld by Iona Fyfe

Foot Stompin’ Free Scottish Music Podcast No 235

Hi folks, We are back after a wee break. I decided to stop while the schools were off on holiday. I even played a gig myself in Spain! Anyway here we are with lots of new releases and some more. If you enjoy these podcasts please support our Patreon www.patreon.com/handsupfortrad

On Safari by Keep It Up
Track – Hector’s

Only a Lifetime by Jack Badcock (The Driftwood Project)

There Was A Love by Scott Murray
Track – The Can’el

Mackerel Sky by John Dew
Track – Connor’s Debut

At Your Service (McCalman’s Live) 1980 by The McCalman’s
Track – The Keltie Clippie

Iorram by Aidan O’Rourke
Track – The Herring Girls and the Barra Boys

Track – Kayak

Off By Heart by Kevin Dempsey and Joe Broughton
Track – Wicked Polly

Hearts Broken, Heads Turned by Jarlath Henderson
Track – The Mountain Streams Where The Moorcocks Crow

Lune by Benedict Morris

Foot Stompin’ Free Scottish Music Podcast No 234

The podcast is back this week with an international flavour! We had a great time broadcasting for Make Music Day on the 21st June and met lots of new musical acts. We will feature a couple of them today. Thanks to everyone who supports on our Patreon – it really helps. If you would like to join us please visit www.patreon.com/handsupfortrad

Skeud by Startijenn Track – Flagas track https://www.startijenn.bzh/?lang=en

The Land Between Rivers by Jack Backcock (Driftwood Project) https://jackbadcock.bandcamp.com

Reassembled by Bellowhead Track – Roll Alabama http://bellowhead.bandcamp.com

When Feathers Appear by Catriona McKay and Alistair MacDonald Track – Against The Wind https://catrionamckay.bandcamp.com

Draumsnillingar by Blood Harmony https://www.ospmusic.is

Strì by Maeve Mackinnon Track – Moch an Diugh/ Puirt-a-beul – Early Today I Rose https://maevemackinnon.bandcamp.com/album/str

Raw by Jarlath Henderson Track – Boys https://jarlathhenderson.bandcamp.com/album/raw

The Lost Words: Spell Songs Track – Acorn https://www.thelostwords.org/spell-songs/

Where The World Is Thin by Kris Drever Track – Hollow Trees https://krisdrever.bandcamp.com/album/where-the-world-is-thin-2

Dùsgadh by Breabach Track – Comar https://breabach.bandcamp.com

Foot Stompin’ Free Scottish Music Podcast No 233

Hi there, We are back with more great music from Scotland. Some interesting music in here today that’s slightly different from normal! If you enjoy these podcasts please support our Patreon www.patreon.com/handsupfortrad

Ceitidh (Valtos Remix) by Project Smok https://projectsmok.bandcamp.com

Old Yew by Aidan Moodie https://open.spotify.com/album/3WuHY9ryzPlZuibMU7WObR?si=uR-C6eG3QZq7U25DvNvdYw&dl_branch=1

Slip Jigs Flynn’s Fancy – Lenzie Lass by Seamus O’Sullivan https://api.feis.life/viewDescriptionmainNew?id=6037a89a73108d785001ed22

When I First Went To Caledonia by Tony Cuffe Track – Caledonia https://raretunes.org/tony-cuffe/

Milestone by Duncan Lyall Track – Barnacarry Bay http://duncanlyall.bandcamp.com/album/milestone

Wild Edges by Inge Thomson https://fairislebirdobservatory.bandcamp.com/releases

Seasons by Esperi Track – Scotland https://esperi.bandcamp.com

Durga’s Feast by Cauld Blast Orchestra Track – Tocher (by Ron Shaw) https://cauldblastorchestra.bandcamp.com/album/durgas-feast

Rise Up by The Outside Track Track – Dark Reels https://theoutsidetrack.bandcamp.com/

TUATH – Songs of the Northlands by Brian Ó hEadhra | Fionnag NicChoinnich Track – Na Fir-chlis https://brianoheadhra-fionnagnicchoinnich.bandcamp.com

Improvisation on Highland Bagpipes by Fraser Fifield http://fraserfifield.bandcamp.com

Foot Stompin’ Free Scottish Music Podcast No 232

Hi guys, It’s good to be back with another set of trad tracks featuring the best of Scottish music. If you have any questions please get in touch. These podcasts are made possible by our Patreons. If you would like to be one please checkout http://www.patreon.com/handsupfortrad

Sleeper by Kan Track – Marcos https://open.spotify.com/album/2b0XaykFFwZPJ4NWdPlj1W?si=9TV82gdzTFqZnENwAaSMfw

Summertime Blues by Amy Papiransky http://amypapiransky.bandcamp.com

Room Enough For All by Battlefield Band Track – The Garron Trotting http://www.battlefieldband.co.uk

Sleepwalking by Admiral Fallow http://admiralfallow.bandcamp.com

Tunelack by Innes Watson http://inneswatson.bandcamp.com

Haar by HAV ft. Iona Fyfe Track – Alabama http://havband.bandcamp.com

MAIM by Whyte Track – Creach https://whytetheband.bandcamp.com/album/maim

Free One by Kinnaris Quintet Track – Gortavale Rock / The Road to Poynton https://kinnarisquintet.bandcamp.com/album/free-one

The Ledger by Gillian Frame, Findlay Napier and Mike Vass Track – Jamie Raeburn https://theledger.bandcamp.com/album/the-ledger

Roam by Heron Valley Track – Adore https://heronvalley.bandcamp.com

Wallop The Spot by Four Men & a Dog Track – Lucy Campbell’s https://www.fourmenandadog.com