Simon Thoumire | Concertina player and composer

Simon Thoumire


Moving Cloud reel

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Jigs in Space

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Concertina and Hip Hop

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Live at Hatton Castle

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Sgàth Fhras. New album by Anna-Wendy Stevenson, Muriel Urquhart, Simon Thoumire and Tom Bancroft Seo clàr ‘improvised’ stèidhichte air na h-òrain anns an leabhar ‘Folksongs and Folklore of South Uist’. Tha an luchd-ciùil Anna-Wendy Stevenson, Muriel Urquhart, Simon Thoumire agus Tom Bancroft. This is a new album of improvised music based on the songs collected in Margaret Fay Shaw’s 1955 book ‘The Folksongs[…]

Foot Stompin’ Free Scottish Music Podcast No 258

Hello! Here is our March edition of the Foot Stompin Scottish Music Podcast featuring lots of great music from our wonderful scene. Any questions please get in touch! If you would like to support this podcast please visit The Drunken Man from Kalabakan by Ross Miller Band Her by[…]

Dol Fodha Na Grèine – The notes!

A’ Charaidean, Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the premier of Dol Fodha Na Grèine (Gaelic for Sunset), a piece of music I brought together to celebrate 30 years of Aly Bain’s monumental album Follow The Moonstone. My name is Simon Thoumire and I always loved that album and when I[…]

Thank you to the Vaughan Williams Foundation for their support

We would like to thank Vaughan Williams Foundation for their support of our Dol Fodha Na Grèine project which will receive it’s first performance on Sunday 26th January at Celtic Connections festival. In difficult times for the arts we are really appreciative of the foundation’s support of our new piece[…]