Simon Thoumire | Concertina player and composer

Simon Thoumire


Charlie Hunter’s Jig

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Goodnight Sweetheart

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Concertina and Hip Hop

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Moving Cloud reel

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Foot Stompin’ Free Scottish Music Podcast No 234

The podcast is back this week with an international flavour! We had a great time broadcasting for Make Music Day on the 21st June and met lots of new musical acts. We will feature a couple of them today. Thanks to everyone who supports on our Patreon – it really[…]

Foot Stompin’ Free Scottish Music Podcast No 233

Hi there, We are back with more great music from Scotland. Some interesting music in here today that’s slightly different from normal! If you enjoy these podcasts please support our Patreon Ceitidh (Valtos Remix) by Project Smok Old Yew by Aidan Moodie Slip Jigs Flynn’s Fancy –[…]

Foot Stompin’ Free Scottish Music Podcast No 232

Hi guys, It’s good to be back with another set of trad tracks featuring the best of Scottish music. If you have any questions please get in touch. These podcasts are made possible by our Patreons. If you would like to be one please checkout Sleeper by Kan Track[…]

Spending A Moment with fiddler Charlie McKerron

Join me for a great chat with legendary fiddler Charlie McKerron. We chat about his musician beginnings through success with Capercaillie and Session A9. If you enjoy these podcasts please support my Patreon at

Spending A Moment with Tim Edey

This is a very enjoyable chat with guitarist and box player Tim Edey. He is so full of energy!! Find out more about Tim at These podcasts are made possible by my Patreon subscribers and if you would like to join in please visit or why not buy[…]