Simon Thoumire | Concertina player and composer

Simon Thoumire


Sean’s Jig and The Contradiction Reel

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Concertina and Hip Hop

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Goodnight Sweetheart

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Watching the Moving Clouds

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Foot Stompin’ Free Scottish Music Podcast No 256

Hi there! Ciamar a tha thu? What’s happening? Sorry for the long break between these podcasts. Sometimes life just gets in the way… Anyway we are back now with the MG ALBA Scots Trad Music Awards Album of the Year Podcast 2023! Starting of with the winner Duncan Chisholm! If[…]

Ian on the left, Simon on the right Here’s a new tune played by me and Ian Carr and written by Simon Thoumire and Alana NicAonghais with financial help from TASGADH (Traditional Arts Small Grants) and Creative Scotland. The title is to remind me and Ian where we sit on the stage! It’s full title should be[…]

Room 24 by Simon Thoumire and Ian Carr This is a new composition of Ian’s that we recorded in Sweden in September 23. It was originally written in 2021 during the height of lockdown and we made a version of this from our two house. At last we managed to play it in the same room. Find[…]

Miss Sineag Thomson by Simon Thoumire and Ian Carr Me and Ian David Carr had a great time playing music in Sweden. Here’s a new set featuring Miss Sineag Thomson by Alana NicAonghais, Diddley iPod by Sharon Shannon and Road to Coalburns by Ian Stephenson. Find out more